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Brides come in all ages and planning a wedding can be exceedingly stressful on anybody, no matter what the age. If you, as the bride, have handled everything perfectly, those few days before the wedding could still take their toll on your health and especially on your skin. 

On her wedding day, every

wants to have her skin radiant and free from lines and pimples, so she looks her best, and her photos and videos come out looking perfect. No bride wants to even imagine the possibility that, one day, her offspring might gaze at their parents’ wedding photos and remark on the blemish over their mother’s right nostril.

Telling a bride-to-be to avoid stress

Telling a bride-to-be to avoid stress and to take things lightly is easier said than done; nevertheless, taking care of the skin, despite the stress and a busy schedule, is not only possible but it is a must.

* Start at least a month or two before the wedding date to personally care for your skin every day. If you are the outdoors type or your skin has been neglected for years, then begin much earlier, even before you hire the wedding planner or the photographer.

* If you suffer from acne, rosacea, or any other skin condition, make sure to see a dermatologist months before the wedding. There are wonderful medicated creams on the market available with prescription that can prevent acne or rosacea outbursts on your wedding day.

*Sun protection should have been your habit all along; however, if you have neglected that, it is never too late to start. If you have to be out under the sun, use wide brimmed hats, sunglasses, umbrellas, and especially sunscreen lotion. Even the smallest dose of UVA rays can take their toll on the human skin. The best use you can get from a sunscreen lotion is if you choose one with an SPF of 15-30 and apply it every few hours. After you apply the lotion, stay indoors or in the shade for a few minutes to let the skin absorb the lotion.

* Before you put the sunscreen on, fortify your skin with a vitamin C lotion. With some women, vitamin C softens the skin lines and helps the sunscreen protect the skin better.

*Exfoliate you skin often if your skin is rough. If your skin is very tender, keep the exfoliating to once a month. To exfoliate, first cleanse your skin with a facial cleanser, or if you like, lukewarm distilled water. Then, apply an exfoliating gel or cream and rub into the skin with small circular motions. Rinse with warm water and pat dry with a warm towel. Never use products or devices like washcloths, loofahs, or puff buffs on your face. They are known to gather bacteria easily.

* Hydration of the skin is easy and can be done with the most common materials. Add a few drops of oil to a bowl of steaming hot water. Johnson’s baby oil will do just fine, unless you want to use one your favorite oils or herbal solutions. Lean over the bowl until your face is about 8-12 inches away. Cover your head with a towel to capture the steam and relax for 15 minutes. Do this every day if you can. 

* If at all possible, about three months before the wedding date, see a dermatologist or add an over the counter retinoid (Vitamin A Cream) to your daily skin care, if you are not already using one. Do not go under the sun immediately after applying a retinoid; wait at least fifteen minutes to half an hour. The most feasible skin care method for busy working women is a retinoid to be applied at night. If you are susceptible to dark circles under the eyes, an undereye lotion with alpha-hydroxy acids could be added to your daily care.

* If your skin is excessively dry, adding aloe Vera lotion or gel-mask to your daily regimen will help greatly.

* Avoid aggressive and experimental treatments, tanning, and facial waxing, one to two weeks before the wedding.

* Try to eat a well-balanced diet with extra fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens. They will help your skin and your figure at the same diet.

Give your skin a chance, and have your family and friends watch its glow match the glow in your eyes on your wedding day.